Envision an intricately detailed, fantastical treehouse in the shape of an owl. The high-resolution representation should contain a blend of hues, dominated by orange and dark brown, arranged according to the rule of thirds and the golden ratio. This 8k resolution artwork should include a symmetrical composition and deep, rich colors. The treehouse sits against the backdrop of a dark night sky filled with galaxies. The windows of the treehouse cast a warm, yellow light, illuminating the surrounding areas. The piece is a matte painting, displaying a combination of fine detail and a dream-like aesthetic, reminiscent of fantasy concept art trending on Artstation and Unreal Engine.
Envision an intricately detailed, fantastical treehouse in the shape of an owl. The high-resolution representation should contain a blend of hues, dominated by orange and dark brown, arranged according to the rule of thirds and the golden ratio. This 8k resolution artwork should include a symmetrical composition and deep, rich colors. The treehouse sits against the backdrop of a dark night sky filled with galaxies. The windows of the treehouse cast a warm, yellow light, illuminating the surrounding areas. The piece is a matte painting, displaying a combination of fine detail and a dream-like aesthetic, reminiscent of fantasy concept art trending on Artstation and Unreal Engine.