a young girl dressed in a flowing red bikini dress lies on a hill overlooking a vast city skyline. She huddles together on top of a building with a wooden bridge in its path. The sun beats down on her, casting a warm glow over the cityscape. She wears a pair of flowing blue shorts and a pair of denim shorts, her dress billowing behind her. A group of children, a boy and a girl, gather around her, watching her from the balcony, enjoying the breathtaking view.
a young girl dressed in a flowing red bikini dress lies on a hill overlooking a vast city skyline. She huddles together on top of a building with a wooden bridge in its path. The sun beats down on her, casting a warm glow over the cityscape. She wears a pair of flowing blue shorts and a pair of denim shorts, her dress billowing behind her. A group of children, a boy and a girl, gather around her, watching her from the balcony, enjoying the breathtaking view.