The vast landscape spans over a picturesque landscape, dotted with wildflowers and tall trees. In the center of the scene, a group of dragons with scales as red as lava and eyes as black as the ocean are humming in the gentle breeze. In the heart of this breathtaking scene, a group of rebels with fierce scales and eyes as white as they can watch the battle-bot grow larger and larger. The air is thick with the scent of blooming wildflowers, and the sound of honking can be heard in the distance. This is a battlefield of dragon mechnoid battlecraft, a battle it fought before.
The vast landscape spans over a picturesque landscape, dotted with wildflowers and tall trees. In the center of the scene, a group of dragons with scales as red as lava and eyes as black as the ocean are humming in the gentle breeze. In the heart of this breathtaking scene, a group of rebels with fierce scales and eyes as white as they can watch the battle-bot grow larger and larger. The air is thick with the scent of blooming wildflowers, and the sound of honking can be heard in the distance. This is a battlefield of dragon mechnoid battlecraft, a battle it fought before.