In a surreal landscape, a time traveler's cape stands out against a backdrop of deep red circles. The cape features the intricate design of a celestial creature, soaring up against the landscape. The creature's long silhouette creates a stunning contrast, and the intricate details of the winding paths and skyscrapers are all adorning the fabric of the cape's fabric. The intricate curves of the cape create a whimsical and captivating scene, making it a true masterpiece.
In a surreal landscape, a time traveler's cape stands out against a backdrop of deep red circles. The cape features the intricate design of a celestial creature, soaring up against the landscape. The creature's long silhouette creates a stunning contrast, and the intricate details of the winding paths and skyscrapers are all adorning the fabric of the cape's fabric. The intricate curves of the cape create a whimsical and captivating scene, making it a true masterpiece.