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Therefore, the saints cultivate the art of Taoism, but do not adorn benevolence and righteousness; they do not know the propaganda of the ears and eyes, but swim in the harmony of the spirit. If this is the case, then consider the three springs, up to the nine heavens, across the six, sorting through all things, this saint's tour. If you are a real person, then you will move in the ultimate emptiness, and swim in the field of destruction and death. He rides on a gossamer horse, and is imprisoned in a prison. Ride in the outside, rest in the universe, candle ten days and make the wind and rain, minister Lei Gong, service Kwa Fu, concubine Mi Fei, wife weaving female, between heaven and earth is not enough to leave their will! Therefore, the void of the Tao's shed, the easy Tao's vegetarian.
Illustrazione-Fantasy Realistico 26