the old man with a yellow cane in hand strides through the bustling metropolis, his chest still intact. But this time the face is empty, devoid of hands. The man gazes intently at the distant skyline, both hands seemingly lost in thought. In his expression, he wears a pair of red goggles and a pair of red goggles, while his face glows with a warm orange glow. The scene is bathed in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across the cityscape.
the old man with a yellow cane in hand strides through the bustling metropolis, his chest still intact. But this time the face is empty, devoid of hands. The man gazes intently at the distant skyline, both hands seemingly lost in thought. In his expression, he wears a pair of red goggles and a pair of red goggles, while his face glows with a warm orange glow. The scene is bathed in a warm, golden light, casting long shadows across the cityscape.