A detailed and intricately designed anthropomorphic ratwolf, Grif, adorned in sophisticated attire, complete with a leather jacket, a vest, and various steampunk thief accessories. Grif is fat, in his 40s, and has a pronounced wide belly.
Skry, anthropomorphic weasel, tall and as skinny as a pole, wearing thieves leathers. Skry’s fur was a sleek, dark brown, and his eyes gleamed with mischief.
In a narrow alleyway...
Grif’s stomach growled loudly, reminding him of the feast he had left behind. “I need to get some food,” he said, patting his belly.
Skry rolled his eyes and laughed. “Always thinking with your stomach, Grif. Fine, you go eat. I’ll start looking for the jewel.” With a mocking salute, Skry darted off into the shadows, leaving Grif to his own devices., anime, illustration, dark fantasy, vibrant
Illustrazione-Bambini 03
Pianeta Alieno
Ripresa a corpo intero,360 Panorama,Ripresa con obiettivo fisheye
A detailed and intricately designed anthropomorphic ratwolf, Grif, adorned in sophisticated attire, complete with a leather jacket, a vest, and various steampunk thief accessories. Grif is fat, in his 40s, and has a pronounced wide belly.
Skry, anthropomorphic weasel, tall and as skinny as a pole, wearing thieves leathers. Skry’s fur was a sleek, dark brown, and his eyes gleamed with mischief.
In a narrow alleyway...
Grif’s stomach growled loudly, reminding him of the feast he had left behind. “I need to get some food,” he said, patting his belly.
Skry rolled his eyes and laughed. “Always thinking with your stomach, Grif. Fine, you go eat. I’ll start looking for the jewel.” With a mocking salute, Skry darted off into the shadows, leaving Grif to his own devices., anime, illustration, dark fantasy, vibrant
Illustrazione-Bambini 03
Pianeta Alieno
Ripresa a corpo intero,360 Panorama,Ripresa con obiettivo fisheye