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Elke the 27 year old dark-haired beauty. A young man in a T-shirt and jeans turned around, holding only cables and technical devices in his hand. He looked at her in amazement, the question on his lips. "What... What do you mean?" "I mean, my secrets." Elke felt waves of excitement run over her head. "The things I would never normally say to anyone. But now that Frank has hypnotized me, I want to make them clear to the world." The technician, visibly irritated, stuttered, "W-what secrets?" Elke closed the door and gently pushed the man against the wall. "My most intimate, darkest secrets. Things that have haunted me until now and that I have only confided to my bed frame." With every syllable she spoke, the number of followers increased. 400,000, 500,000, 600,000. "How about... my aversion to chocolate?" Elke smiled wickedly. "Yes, the truth that the fashion industry hides: I hate chocolate. It makes me sick." The man, completely stunned, stared at her. "That... wow, okay. But why...?" "Because it's the truth!" Elke almost screamed. "And now that the power of hypnosis rages in my soul, I want to release it!" The followers reacted with indescribable enthusiasm. It was as if Elke had opened the floodgates. Emojis flooded the chat, hearts melting from eyes, and questions about the next secret. Frank watched them from a distance, proud and amused. "Elke, you're amazing. But now I'm going to increase the intensity. Go to the next round." Elke turned her head in Frank's direction, the receiver pressed to her lip in tension. "What...what do you want me to do?" "You're going to blow me"
Elke the 27 year old dark-haired beauty. A young man in a T-shirt and jeans turned around, holding only cables and technical devices in his hand. He looked at her in amazement, the question on his lips. "What... What do you mean?" "I mean, my secrets." Elke felt waves of excitement run over her head. "The things I would never normally say to anyone. But now that Frank has hypnotized me, I want to make them clear to the world." The technician, visibly irritated, stuttered, "W-what secrets?" Elke closed the door and gently pushed the man against the wall. "My most intimate, darkest secrets. Things that have haunted me until now and that I have only confided to my bed frame." With every syllable she spoke, the number of followers increased. 400,000, 500,000, 600,000. "How about... my aversion to chocolate?" Elke smiled wickedly. "Yes, the truth that the fashion industry hides: I hate chocolate. It makes me sick." The man, completely stunned, stared at her. "That... wow, okay. But why...?" "Because it's the truth!" Elke almost screamed. "And now that the power of hypnosis rages in my soul, I want to release it!" The followers reacted with indescribable enthusiasm. It was as if Elke had opened the floodgates. Emojis flooded the chat, hearts melting from eyes, and questions about the next secret. Frank watched them from a distance, proud and amused. "Elke, you're amazing. But now I'm going to increase the intensity. Go to the next round." Elke turned her head in Frank's direction, the receiver pressed to her lip in tension. "What...what do you want me to do?" "You're going to blow me"
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