In a world where teenagers can express their feelings, a young lad with curly brown hair emerges as a talented artist in a vibrant summer scene. He begins to study his girlfriend on a colourful watercolour canvas, his brushstrokes standing out vividly against the soft tones of the girl's skin that have captivated his eyes. When he looks in the mirror, he discovers that these ideas of passion and creativity are still alive and flowing in the midst of nature.
Arte-Arte 06
Ripresa a corpo intero,Vista dall'alto
In a world where teenagers can express their feelings, a young lad with curly brown hair emerges as a talented artist in a vibrant summer scene. He begins to study his girlfriend on a colourful watercolour canvas, his brushstrokes standing out vividly against the soft tones of the girl's skin that have captivated his eyes. When he looks in the mirror, he discovers that these ideas of passion and creativity are still alive and flowing in the midst of nature.
Arte-Arte 06
Ripresa a corpo intero,Vista dall'alto