Create a pencil sketch that embodies the spatial experience of a museum and experience center dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci's Dream Machine. The goal is to design a cohesive spatial experience through the strategic juxtaposition of geometric patterns and volumetric elements. The use of metal mesh or steel metals as a tectonic material will play a central role, influencing the overall spatial narrative and tactile experience. The sketch should highlight the experience of the space, including how it is planned and organized. Focus on the characteristics of materials, spatial elements, and how they contribute to the collective experience. The aim is to establish a distinct design language that conveys both the experiential and expressive qualities of the space. This project will involve refining the spatial layout in a way that transforms the given environment, aligning with the hypothesis on the interior technique. The key will be to achieve the desired sensory experience while also paying close attention to the finer details of space-making.
Create a pencil sketch that embodies the spatial experience of a museum and experience center dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci's Dream Machine. The goal is to design a cohesive spatial experience through the strategic juxtaposition of geometric patterns and volumetric elements. The use of metal mesh or steel metals as a tectonic material will play a central role, influencing the overall spatial narrative and tactile experience. The sketch should highlight the experience of the space, including how it is planned and organized. Focus on the characteristics of materials, spatial elements, and how they contribute to the collective experience. The aim is to establish a distinct design language that conveys both the experiential and expressive qualities of the space. This project will involve refining the spatial layout in a way that transforms the given environment, aligning with the hypothesis on the interior technique. The key will be to achieve the desired sensory experience while also paying close attention to the finer details of space-making.