In a mystical realm, two young wizards engage in a silent conversation: Kairo Aeon, a dark-skinned, black-haired 17-year-old boy with an air of quiet confidence, dressed in flowing white robes with intricate gray detailing, stands to one side. of Luric Dracmo, a fair-skinned boy with blond hair, dressed in an elegant black outfit adorned with shiny gold details.
Biblioteca,Castello,Strada della città
Ripresa a corpo intero
Prompt negativo:
NSFW, (nsfw:0.7), (worst quality:1.5), (low quality:1.5), (normal quality:1.5), low resolution, watermark, bad anatomy, bad hands , text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, less digits, cropped, JPEG artifacts, signature, username, blurred, artist name, deformed face, crooked eyes.
In a mystical realm, two young wizards engage in a silent conversation: Kairo Aeon, a dark-skinned, black-haired 17-year-old boy with an air of quiet confidence, dressed in flowing white robes with intricate gray detailing, stands to one side. of Luric Dracmo, a fair-skinned boy with blond hair, dressed in an elegant black outfit adorned with shiny gold details.
Biblioteca,Castello,Strada della città
Ripresa a corpo intero
Prompt negativo:
NSFW, (nsfw:0.7), (worst quality:1.5), (low quality:1.5), (normal quality:1.5), low resolution, watermark, bad anatomy, bad hands , text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, less digits, cropped, JPEG artifacts, signature, username, blurred, artist name, deformed face, crooked eyes.