a scruff looking man in tribal cold weather clothing with fur and leather. An old weathered look on the man,a painting on a piece of paper of a soldier wearing a gas mask and holding a glass of beer,d
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a painting on a piece of paper of a soldier wearing a gas mask and holding a glass of beer

Mcfly Jhonson
Rendering di schizzo v2
Stile: Arte Concettuale-Colore Olio 01
Scena: Scout della zona radioattiva
Modalità: Concetto di Precisione
Creatività: 40
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Contenuti simili

a painting on a piece of paper of a soldier wearing a gas mask and holding a glass of beer

Mcfly Jhonson
Rendering di schizzo v2
Stile: Arte Concettuale-Colore Olio 01
Scena: Scout della zona radioattiva
Modalità: Concetto di Precisione
Creatività: 40
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