A man dressed in a delicate hand leather jacket, thick coats, and a thick coat sits on a branch, gazing intently at a map, his eyes closed in a deep sense of contemplation. His skin is thick and earthy, and his wide eyes seem to hold a mysterious wisdom. He wears a pair of piercing blue eyes, and his large brown eyes seem to stare to life with a mischievous grin. His body lies empty, and he seems to be trying to stay focused on the unknown. The scene is set in a quaint, abandoned cabin, surrounded by rusted tools and rusted lamps.
A man dressed in a delicate hand leather jacket, thick coats, and a thick coat sits on a branch, gazing intently at a map, his eyes closed in a deep sense of contemplation. His skin is thick and earthy, and his wide eyes seem to hold a mysterious wisdom. He wears a pair of piercing blue eyes, and his large brown eyes seem to stare to life with a mischievous grin. His body lies empty, and he seems to be trying to stay focused on the unknown. The scene is set in a quaint, abandoned cabin, surrounded by rusted tools and rusted lamps.