In the midst of a tranquil ocean, a translucent glass, composed entirely of neon green fish's surfaces, emerges from the depths. The exterior of the fish exudes an ethereal aura, as if the water is flowing in the distance. A pair of curved edges of pipes and wires sway gently as a young child swims by, captivated by the unique design. The inner walls stretch out as far as the eye can see, their surface reflecting the sun's rays. Schools of tropical fish dart and swim, marveling at the beauty of this captivating underwater creation that could otherwise take place in the depths.
In the midst of a tranquil ocean, a translucent glass, composed entirely of neon green fish's surfaces, emerges from the depths. The exterior of the fish exudes an ethereal aura, as if the water is flowing in the distance. A pair of curved edges of pipes and wires sway gently as a young child swims by, captivated by the unique design. The inner walls stretch out as far as the eye can see, their surface reflecting the sun's rays. Schools of tropical fish dart and swim, marveling at the beauty of this captivating underwater creation that could otherwise take place in the depths.