In a futuristic cityscape, a vibrant female elf wearing a long, dapper coat and wielding a sword and a helmet wields a long, broad sword. The elf's face is contorted in an intense gaze, and her eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly light. On full display, the other elf looks back, marveling at the unusual sight of a figure. The scene is reminiscent of a horror movie, with the figure cast in frightened expressions such as "Are you a small ghost!" and "An otherworldly-looking creature resembling a witch" in black and white against a deep purple background.
Vista ad angolo ampio,Piano medio lungo
In a futuristic cityscape, a vibrant female elf wearing a long, dapper coat and wielding a sword and a helmet wields a long, broad sword. The elf's face is contorted in an intense gaze, and her eyes seem to glow with an otherworldly light. On full display, the other elf looks back, marveling at the unusual sight of a figure. The scene is reminiscent of a horror movie, with the figure cast in frightened expressions such as "Are you a small ghost!" and "An otherworldly-looking creature resembling a witch" in black and white against a deep purple background.
Vista ad angolo ampio,Piano medio lungo