Prepare to witness the ferocious fusion of Drax the Destroyer, Koro-sensei, Cyborg and Deku, known as Draka-Koro, a fearless hero. This hyperrealistic character bears the incredible strength, durability, and combat skills of Drax, the speed and agility of Koro-sensei, the technology and weaponry of Cyborg, and the quirk of Deku. Draka-Koro stands victorious on top of a decimated alien mothership, and his ripped clothing and battle scars highlight his unbreakable spirit. He carries Cyborg's arm cannon on his back and a shield forged by Vibranium to honor Drax's brawler tendency to fight bare-chested. His eyes glow with power, his spiky green hair is illuminated by a stormy blue sky, and his inspiring grin dares anyone to challenge him.
Ripresa a corpo intero,Inquadratura lunga,Piano medio lungo,Vista ad angolo ampio,Guarda in alto,Vista dall'alto,Vista dall'alto
Prepare to witness the ferocious fusion of Drax the Destroyer, Koro-sensei, Cyborg and Deku, known as Draka-Koro, a fearless hero. This hyperrealistic character bears the incredible strength, durability, and combat skills of Drax, the speed and agility of Koro-sensei, the technology and weaponry of Cyborg, and the quirk of Deku. Draka-Koro stands victorious on top of a decimated alien mothership, and his ripped clothing and battle scars highlight his unbreakable spirit. He carries Cyborg's arm cannon on his back and a shield forged by Vibranium to honor Drax's brawler tendency to fight bare-chested. His eyes glow with power, his spiky green hair is illuminated by a stormy blue sky, and his inspiring grin dares anyone to challenge him.
Ripresa a corpo intero,Inquadratura lunga,Piano medio lungo,Vista ad angolo ampio,Guarda in alto,Vista dall'alto,Vista dall'alto