In a magical garden filled with vibrant flowers, a 25-year-old girl with voluminous cyan hair and eyebrows, with short, loose hair reaching down to her ears, with a wide, voluminous hairstyle that perfectly combines the golden tones. She has bangs that reach her eyes, revealing her face at the lips as she stares at the camera, a tall, vibrant head with large teeth, and a powerful ring on her face. The sun is in front of her, illuminating her face, casting a luminous light on the scene, as if it were a sunny day. Her body, which is perfectly illuminated, breathes deeply before her eyes, inviting the viewer to contemplate a world beyond their own. She is wearing an elegant and polished red dress, evoking a sense of luxury and beauty that seems like a professional model. Her head is tilted to one side, illuminating the scene with a radiant glow, a misty inner glow, and a peaceful and cunning twist.
Illustrazione-Fantasy Realistico 01
Sudamericani,Gioventù,Taglio di capelli a due blocchi
Ripresa ravvicinata,Ripresa in estremo primo piano,Obiettivo grandangolare ultra lungo
In a magical garden filled with vibrant flowers, a 25-year-old girl with voluminous cyan hair and eyebrows, with short, loose hair reaching down to her ears, with a wide, voluminous hairstyle that perfectly combines the golden tones. She has bangs that reach her eyes, revealing her face at the lips as she stares at the camera, a tall, vibrant head with large teeth, and a powerful ring on her face. The sun is in front of her, illuminating her face, casting a luminous light on the scene, as if it were a sunny day. Her body, which is perfectly illuminated, breathes deeply before her eyes, inviting the viewer to contemplate a world beyond their own. She is wearing an elegant and polished red dress, evoking a sense of luxury and beauty that seems like a professional model. Her head is tilted to one side, illuminating the scene with a radiant glow, a misty inner glow, and a peaceful and cunning twist.
Illustrazione-Fantasy Realistico 01
Sudamericani,Gioventù,Taglio di capelli a due blocchi
Ripresa ravvicinata,Ripresa in estremo primo piano,Obiettivo grandangolare ultra lungo