An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender figure and chaotic, wild energy. Her hair is a vibrant light brown with subtle black undertones, styled in a completely unkempt and spiky manner, with strands flying in every direction, giving her a strikingly untamed look. The front of her hair is fluffy and voluminous, framing her face in a wild halo. Her piercing black eyes are hauntingly devoid of emotion, yet they seem to hide an enigmatic story within. She wears a unique academy uniform with gothic and arcane elements: a fitted blazer adorned with intricate embroidery, a high-collared blouse, and a layered skirt with asymmetrical cuts and lace details. The outfit is accentuated by a dark gemstone pendant, marking her as someone extraordinary. The background is set in a mysterious, moonlit school corridor, with shadows and glowing reflections adding to the eerie and dramatic atmosphere.
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender figure and chaotic, wild energy. Her hair is a vibrant light brown with subtle black undertones, styled in a completely unkempt and spiky manner, with strands flying in every direction, giving her a strikingly untamed look. The front of her hair is fluffy and voluminous, framing her face in a wild halo. Her piercing black eyes are hauntingly devoid of emotion, yet they seem to hide an enigmatic story within. She wears a unique academy uniform with gothic and arcane elements: a fitted blazer adorned with intricate embroidery, a high-collared blouse, and a layered skirt with asymmetrical cuts and lace details. The outfit is accentuated by a dark gemstone pendant, marking her as someone extraordinary. The background is set in a mysterious, moonlit school corridor, with shadows and glowing reflections adding to the eerie and dramatic atmosphere.