In the countryside of Taitung, a Taiwanese-style farmhouse stands in the middle of a golden rice field. The shot is captured from a distance using a telephoto lens. In the foreground, the fully ripened rice plants bow slightly under the weight of their grains. At the center of the frame, the farmhouse glows warmly from its lit windows, exuding a sense of coziness. Beside the farmhouse stands a large tree, towering above the roof. Beyond the farmhouse, the rice fields stretch endlessly into the background, eventually merging with the lush, green mountains of Taitung in the distance.
In the countryside of Taitung, a Taiwanese-style farmhouse stands in the middle of a golden rice field. The shot is captured from a distance using a telephoto lens. In the foreground, the fully ripened rice plants bow slightly under the weight of their grains. At the center of the frame, the farmhouse glows warmly from its lit windows, exuding a sense of coziness. Beside the farmhouse stands a large tree, towering above the roof. Beyond the farmhouse, the rice fields stretch endlessly into the background, eventually merging with the lush, green mountains of Taitung in the distance.