Movie Title read's: "Back To The Future 4", (movie Poster), The similar "sci-fi portal" image is generated in different time and space settings, A DeLorean Car, with the shots quickly assembled together, creating a highly dynamic response to the narrative structure of crossing time and space. Flux Capacitor, Micheal J Fox,
Arte Concettuale-Fantascienza 09
Giorno,Crepuscolo,Paesaggi Urbani,Ragazzo,Vecchio,Città del Futuro,Città Cyberpunk,Stupito,Vintage
Piano medio lungo,Inquadratura lunga,Obiettivo grandangolare ultra lungo,Vista ad angolo ampio,Inquadratura media
Movie Title read's: "Back To The Future 4", (movie Poster), The similar "sci-fi portal" image is generated in different time and space settings, A DeLorean Car, with the shots quickly assembled together, creating a highly dynamic response to the narrative structure of crossing time and space. Flux Capacitor, Micheal J Fox,
Arte Concettuale-Fantascienza 09
Giorno,Crepuscolo,Paesaggi Urbani,Ragazzo,Vecchio,Città del Futuro,Città Cyberpunk,Stupito,Vintage
Piano medio lungo,Inquadratura lunga,Obiettivo grandangolare ultra lungo,Vista ad angolo ampio,Inquadratura media