Reimagine the iconic movie Spirited Away as a futuristic, cyberpunk adventure set in a neon-lit, sprawling megacity. Instead of a traditional bathhouse for spirits, create a towering, high-tech spa catering to AI, holographic beings, and digital avatars in need of "data cleansing." Chihiro, now a rebellious young coder, stumbles into this surreal world after hacking into a forbidden server. Characters like Haku and Yubaba take on new roles as virtual entities, with Haku being a sentient AI guide and Yubaba as the corporate overlord of the spa. Blend themes of technology, identity, and nostalgia, while adding humorous nods to the original story. The visual style should combine sleek, futuristic elements with whimsical and surreal touches that pay homage to Studio Ghibli's artistry.
Reimagine the iconic movie Spirited Away as a futuristic, cyberpunk adventure set in a neon-lit, sprawling megacity. Instead of a traditional bathhouse for spirits, create a towering, high-tech spa catering to AI, holographic beings, and digital avatars in need of "data cleansing." Chihiro, now a rebellious young coder, stumbles into this surreal world after hacking into a forbidden server. Characters like Haku and Yubaba take on new roles as virtual entities, with Haku being a sentient AI guide and Yubaba as the corporate overlord of the spa. Blend themes of technology, identity, and nostalgia, while adding humorous nods to the original story. The visual style should combine sleek, futuristic elements with whimsical and surreal touches that pay homage to Studio Ghibli's artistry.