"Combine The Godfather and The Lord of the Rings in a humorous scene. In a cozy hobbit bedroom, a fish in a suit lies on the bed next to a horse’s head. Frodo and Sam stand nearby, shocked and confused, holding a lantern and a frying pan. The round hobbit door is slightly ajar, with the Shire’s green hills visible outside. Keep the setting simple and add a mix of humor and intrigue."
"Combine The Godfather and The Lord of the Rings in a humorous scene. In a cozy hobbit bedroom, a fish in a suit lies on the bed next to a horse’s head. Frodo and Sam stand nearby, shocked and confused, holding a lantern and a frying pan. The round hobbit door is slightly ajar, with the Shire’s green hills visible outside. Keep the setting simple and add a mix of humor and intrigue."