Design a poster for a reimagined version of Mad Max. Set in a near-future world where civilization has collapsed, but with a modern or sci-fi twist that reflects contemporary or futuristic elements. Max, now portrayed with a new interpretation—perhaps as a cybernetically enhanced survivor or a rogue leader of a resistance movement—should be at the center of the poster, wearing tactical, high-tech armor, and surrounded by a gritty, post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Design a poster for a reimagined version of Mad Max. Set in a near-future world where civilization has collapsed, but with a modern or sci-fi twist that reflects contemporary or futuristic elements. Max, now portrayed with a new interpretation—perhaps as a cybernetically enhanced survivor or a rogue leader of a resistance movement—should be at the center of the poster, wearing tactical, high-tech armor, and surrounded by a gritty, post-apocalyptic wasteland.