Superhero inspired by Honengyo, a Japanese creature that can transform from a fish into a dragon during a rainstorm. Reimagine him as a protector of cosmic metamorphoses in a future where entities evolve with cosmic pulses. His attire showcases a blend of aquatic aesthetics with advanced pulse-tech designs, adorned with transformation motifs. His presence radiates adaptability. Incorporate a trident, infused with prismatic crystals, that can initiate or halt any cosmic transformation. Colors: prism peach, pulse periwinkle, and protector platinum. Capture the essence of a protector overseeing the evolution of the cosmos.
Superhero inspired by Honengyo, a Japanese creature that can transform from a fish into a dragon during a rainstorm. Reimagine him as a protector of cosmic metamorphoses in a future where entities evolve with cosmic pulses. His attire showcases a blend of aquatic aesthetics with advanced pulse-tech designs, adorned with transformation motifs. His presence radiates adaptability. Incorporate a trident, infused with prismatic crystals, that can initiate or halt any cosmic transformation. Colors: prism peach, pulse periwinkle, and protector platinum. Capture the essence of a protector overseeing the evolution of the cosmos.