"In a coastal area nestled within the cityscape lies a port project characterized by organic architecture, featuring modern single-story wooden structures. This project encompasses individual restaurants and shops alongside an intercity port where ferry services operate.
Interspersed among these structures are public green spaces, creating a harmonious blend with the natural surroundings. As one moves horizontally along the coastline, the commercial areas gradually diminish while the public spaces expand. This layout ensures ample open areas for users to immerse themselves in nature, relax, and engage in social interactions.
The focal point of the design is to create a sustainable living space that seamlessly integrates with the urban fabric. The utilization of modern single-story wooden structures reflects an eco-friendly approach, emphasizing the use of natural materials. Furthermore, the careful arrangement ensures that each building stands individually, allowing for a sense of openness and connection to the surrounding environment
"In a coastal area nestled within the cityscape lies a port project characterized by organic architecture, featuring modern single-story wooden structures. This project encompasses individual restaurants and shops alongside an intercity port where ferry services operate.
Interspersed among these structures are public green spaces, creating a harmonious blend with the natural surroundings. As one moves horizontally along the coastline, the commercial areas gradually diminish while the public spaces expand. This layout ensures ample open areas for users to immerse themselves in nature, relax, and engage in social interactions.
The focal point of the design is to create a sustainable living space that seamlessly integrates with the urban fabric. The utilization of modern single-story wooden structures reflects an eco-friendly approach, emphasizing the use of natural materials. Furthermore, the careful arrangement ensures that each building stands individually, allowing for a sense of openness and connection to the surrounding environment