A realistic full-body portrayal of Prodigy (David Alleyne), a Marvel character. He is depicted as a young, African American man with a slim, intelligent appearance. His costume is a modern superhero outfit, combining elements that suggest his immense knowledge and strategic thinking. The suit could be sleek and functional, with a color scheme that is understated yet distinctive, possibly incorporating shades of blue or green. Prodigy's expression is thoughtful and focused, reflecting his intellectual nature. He might be shown in a library or a high-tech lab setting, surrounded by books, computers, or other symbols of knowledge and learning, highlighting his ability to absorb and retain vast amounts of information.
A realistic full-body portrayal of Prodigy (David Alleyne), a Marvel character. He is depicted as a young, African American man with a slim, intelligent appearance. His costume is a modern superhero outfit, combining elements that suggest his immense knowledge and strategic thinking. The suit could be sleek and functional, with a color scheme that is understated yet distinctive, possibly incorporating shades of blue or green. Prodigy's expression is thoughtful and focused, reflecting his intellectual nature. He might be shown in a library or a high-tech lab setting, surrounded by books, computers, or other symbols of knowledge and learning, highlighting his ability to absorb and retain vast amounts of information.