Create a superhero trio inspired by the Norns, the Norse goddesses of fate. Reimagine them as modern life coaches, guiding individuals through past, present, and future challenges. Their attire should echo the threads of life, each distinct yet interconnected, adorned with symbols of time's flow. Eyes should convey wisdom, understanding, and foresight respectively. Accessories might include a loom that weaves destinies or hourglasses that can glimpse moments in time. Embrace a palette of pastel pinks, vibrant greens, and future blues. Capture the essence of guides ensuring that every life finds its purpose and path.
Create a superhero trio inspired by the Norns, the Norse goddesses of fate. Reimagine them as modern life coaches, guiding individuals through past, present, and future challenges. Their attire should echo the threads of life, each distinct yet interconnected, adorned with symbols of time's flow. Eyes should convey wisdom, understanding, and foresight respectively. Accessories might include a loom that weaves destinies or hourglasses that can glimpse moments in time. Embrace a palette of pastel pinks, vibrant greens, and future blues. Capture the essence of guides ensuring that every life finds its purpose and path.