Yue Lao, the Cupid Crusader: A mischievous antihero who manipulates love and destiny to bring couples together. Armed with a mystical red thread and a quiver of love arrows, he orchestrates chance encounters and sparks unlikely romances.
Physical Description: Yue Lao is a wizened old man with a twinkle in his eye and a playful smile. He dresses in traditional Chinese robes and carries a staff adorned with red ribbons.
Yue Lao, the Cupid Crusader: A mischievous antihero who manipulates love and destiny to bring couples together. Armed with a mystical red thread and a quiver of love arrows, he orchestrates chance encounters and sparks unlikely romances.
Physical Description: Yue Lao is a wizened old man with a twinkle in his eye and a playful smile. He dresses in traditional Chinese robes and carries a staff adorned with red ribbons.