Movie poster featuring a variety of recognisable yet imaginary space universe figures, created entirely from building blocks, such as the lead dark-cloaked villain with a black helmet, a golden humanoid assistant, a rogue smuggler with a vest, a crown princess with an elaborate hairstyle, a wise old wizard with a white robe and beard, radiant energy swords, a nimble spacecraft, and a massive star cruiser from a tyrannical regime. The cosmic background is interspersed with stars, and central text proclaims 'SPACE ADVENTURE MOVIE'.
Movie poster featuring a variety of recognisable yet imaginary space universe figures, created entirely from building blocks, such as the lead dark-cloaked villain with a black helmet, a golden humanoid assistant, a rogue smuggler with a vest, a crown princess with an elaborate hairstyle, a wise old wizard with a white robe and beard, radiant energy swords, a nimble spacecraft, and a massive star cruiser from a tyrannical regime. The cosmic background is interspersed with stars, and central text proclaims 'SPACE ADVENTURE MOVIE'.