Pulut Hitam, also known as black glutinous rice pudding, is a popular dessert in Malaysia. This sweet dish is made by cooking black glutinous rice with coconut milk and palm sugar until it forms a thick and creamy pudding-like texture. Pulut Hitam is commonly served warm, and it is often topped with a generous scoop of creamy coconut milk. This article will delve into the origins, ingredients, and preparation of this traditional Malaysian dessert.
Pulut Hitam, also known as black glutinous rice pudding, is a popular dessert in Malaysia. This sweet dish is made by cooking black glutinous rice with coconut milk and palm sugar until it forms a thick and creamy pudding-like texture. Pulut Hitam is commonly served warm, and it is often topped with a generous scoop of creamy coconut milk. This article will delve into the origins, ingredients, and preparation of this traditional Malaysian dessert.