In a bustling city, a rebellious figure in a green armor and helmet stands tall, shielding a futuristic device from the shimmering blue light of night. The device's powerful powers illuminate his hands as he wields powerful powerful electric currents, a testament to the power of the future. The villain's eyes gleam with an otherworldly energy, as if he is the protector of the universe. It's a sight that will only be captured by one mighty knight.
In a bustling city, a rebellious figure in a green armor and helmet stands tall, shielding a futuristic device from the shimmering blue light of night. The device's powerful powers illuminate his hands as he wields powerful powerful electric currents, a testament to the power of the future. The villain's eyes gleam with an otherworldly energy, as if he is the protector of the universe. It's a sight that will only be captured by one mighty knight.