n the 11. Episode, fourth Season: “Dr. Bellows goes Sane“, see following dialog:
„Jeannie, Roger, from now on, we´re gonna be members of the
Jeannie: “Underground? I do not understand, Master”
“If Corbett´s gonna play Helmut von Gestapo with the truth serum,
we´re gonna be members of the French Freedom Fighters.”
Is Sir Alfred Hitchcock, true director and producer of "I dream of Jeannie" cross referencing to his French movie and Nouveau Roman film "L’Année dernière à Marienbad"?
See 9. Episode, fourth Season „Jeannie and the Top Secret
Secret“, cross reference to the French Nouveau Roman Film "L’Année dernière à Marienbad" von Alain Resnais, 1961:
„I thought we´d take in a foreign film, “The last Year in