In the midst of a barren, dark jungle, a colossal figure floats weightlessly, its walls coated in a kaleidoscope of shades of red, yellow, and green. The walls are a lush green, but in the center, it appears to defy the laws of physics. The scene is rendered in a low-contrast shot, with the words "Vendible" etched into the wall and "Curricular" written in bold, stylized letters. In the distance, the glowing orb of the image is a mottled purple, casting deep shadows across the ground. The walls are a deep shade of purple, and the curtains are a deep, velvety purple. The air is thick with the scent of pine and the scent of pine fills the air. The image is brought to life in a way that never sleeps, telling a story of a time once forgotten.
In the midst of a barren, dark jungle, a colossal figure floats weightlessly, its walls coated in a kaleidoscope of shades of red, yellow, and green. The walls are a lush green, but in the center, it appears to defy the laws of physics. The scene is rendered in a low-contrast shot, with the words "Vendible" etched into the wall and "Curricular" written in bold, stylized letters. In the distance, the glowing orb of the image is a mottled purple, casting deep shadows across the ground. The walls are a deep shade of purple, and the curtains are a deep, velvety purple. The air is thick with the scent of pine and the scent of pine fills the air. The image is brought to life in a way that never sleeps, telling a story of a time once forgotten.