A mesmerizing futuristic anime concept by Cihan Cevik, featuring a captivating woman with an ethereal presence. She is set in the year 2200, with her entire body adorned in intricate metalwork and vibrant colors, making her the focal point. The artwork seamlessly blends abstract paint splashes, anime elements, and double exposure techniques, creating a stunning visual experience. Cihan Cevik's signature "Cihan Cevik Anime" is displayed below the image. The harmonious marriage of technology and art is evident, as the artist uses 3D rendering to create depth and dimension, while the linocut illustration transforms into a vibrant, colorful masterpiece. The monochrome background perfectly contrasts the fascinating mix of elements, including ukiyo-e, illustration, 3D, anime, painting,, cinematic, 3d render, illustration, ukiyo-e, painting, anime