The audience, consisting of a vast, colorful landscape of flowers, winding rivers, and a kaleidoscope of colors, listens intently as the show unfolds around them. In the center of this captivating scene is a figure with a long, flowing mane, a slender woman with a flowing mischievous grin, a tall, meditative figure with a flowing aura, a sleek, pulsating expression, and a polished steed with a cloak of intense energy. The entire body is covered with an image of the masterpiece, adding to this modern urban vibe. The entire scene is rendered in stunning, immersive visuals, with the bold lines of the figure and the intricate designs of the physique making it a true work of art.
ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, out of focus, bad anatomy, extra limbs, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands, missing fingers, nudity, nude, ((((weapons, animal ears, demon ears, blades, knifes, axe, katana, dagger, headgear)), nude, nudity, naked, NSFW, long neck, long torso, stretched body)),
The audience, consisting of a vast, colorful landscape of flowers, winding rivers, and a kaleidoscope of colors, listens intently as the show unfolds around them. In the center of this captivating scene is a figure with a long, flowing mane, a slender woman with a flowing mischievous grin, a tall, meditative figure with a flowing aura, a sleek, pulsating expression, and a polished steed with a cloak of intense energy. The entire body is covered with an image of the masterpiece, adding to this modern urban vibe. The entire scene is rendered in stunning, immersive visuals, with the bold lines of the figure and the intricate designs of the physique making it a true work of art.
ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, out of focus, bad anatomy, extra limbs, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands, missing fingers, nudity, nude, ((((weapons, animal ears, demon ears, blades, knifes, axe, katana, dagger, headgear)), nude, nudity, naked, NSFW, long neck, long torso, stretched body)),