"A futuristic urban scene in a middle-class or poverty-stricken residential area in Asia, featuring mismatched 'patches' covering the building exteriors. The buildings are modified over time with cheap materials like rusty metal, plastic, and salvaged parts. Some parts of the buildings remain exposed, showing eroded and crumbling concrete. In the background, futuristic skyscrapers rise, hinting at a more advanced world. On top of some older structures, new buildings have been added, almost doubling the height, using makeshift but ambitious architecture. The scene has a dystopian, cyberpunk Blade Runner aesthetic, inspired by Lebbeus Woods' hand-drawn wartime cityscapes, with a sense of chaotic, gritty resourcefulness."
"A futuristic urban scene in a middle-class or poverty-stricken residential area in Asia, featuring mismatched 'patches' covering the building exteriors. The buildings are modified over time with cheap materials like rusty metal, plastic, and salvaged parts. Some parts of the buildings remain exposed, showing eroded and crumbling concrete. In the background, futuristic skyscrapers rise, hinting at a more advanced world. On top of some older structures, new buildings have been added, almost doubling the height, using makeshift but ambitious architecture. The scene has a dystopian, cyberpunk Blade Runner aesthetic, inspired by Lebbeus Woods' hand-drawn wartime cityscapes, with a sense of chaotic, gritty resourcefulness."