In the heart of a bustling city, a modern practice center emerges from the ground. The walls are painted a warm neutral color, and the surfaces are clean and polished. In the center of this modern space, a traditional wooden floor is replaced with a modern oasis. The walls are lined with a series of intricate designs and colors, evoking the senses of advanced wisdom and practice. A ray of sunlight filters through the water, casting a warm glow on the space. The air is filled with the hum of air conditioning and the gentle hum of hand-drawn hands. In the center there are 2 big and lux desks where people can work in a perfect environment. There are no windows and no natural lighting there. Only the warm light from the unique lighting points
In the heart of a bustling city, a modern practice center emerges from the ground. The walls are painted a warm neutral color, and the surfaces are clean and polished. In the center of this modern space, a traditional wooden floor is replaced with a modern oasis. The walls are lined with a series of intricate designs and colors, evoking the senses of advanced wisdom and practice. A ray of sunlight filters through the water, casting a warm glow on the space. The air is filled with the hum of air conditioning and the gentle hum of hand-drawn hands. In the center there are 2 big and lux desks where people can work in a perfect environment. There are no windows and no natural lighting there. Only the warm light from the unique lighting points