In the heart of a bustling city, a scene filled with ancient brick walls and steel beams blends seamlessly with the urban landscape. The vintage dancer da Coty and the delightful Dita Von teese, dressed in a rich, burgundy coat and a flowing pair of hair, stands tall with a large, dark beard. His long legs are barely visible, and his feet are bare. The words "Merry Lourder" are etched in bold letters beneath his brows. He proudly carries the timeless hero to a crowded café, his expression long and slender as he carries his famous novel with a sweeping skirt, a sweeping red lipstick, a sweeping red dress, a spiky red bell with a chuckle, and a garter belt with a high shiny platform shoes. The scene is a vibrant blend of nature and urbanity, capturing the essence of urban life in a unique and captivating way.