Amidst the grand staircase of a Victorian palace, a teenage albino elf pauses. Her long white hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders as she delicately holds the skirts of her cream satin dress, trimmed with Victorian lace. The details of her face are fine and ethereal, highlighting her clear eyes that reflect the golden light of the crystal chandeliers hanging from high above the foyer. The white marble staircase, with wrought iron railings in floral patterns, resonates with the calm of the scene, as a faint glimmer of intrigue lights up her cheerful expression.
Amidst the grand staircase of a Victorian palace, a teenage albino elf pauses. Her long white hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders as she delicately holds the skirts of her cream satin dress, trimmed with Victorian lace. The details of her face are fine and ethereal, highlighting her clear eyes that reflect the golden light of the crystal chandeliers hanging from high above the foyer. The white marble staircase, with wrought iron railings in floral patterns, resonates with the calm of the scene, as a faint glimmer of intrigue lights up her cheerful expression.