There was a girl named Mia, known for her bright pink, oversized coat that she wore everywhere. The coat was a gift from her grandmother, and it made her feel protected and safe, even on the coldest of days. One winter afternoon, as snowflakes began to fall, Mia wandered through the city streets. Her pink coat stood out against the gray surroundings, and she felt like she was wrapped in a bubble of warmth and love. It was more than just a coat—it was her comfort and her strength.
There was a girl named Mia, known for her bright pink, oversized coat that she wore everywhere. The coat was a gift from her grandmother, and it made her feel protected and safe, even on the coldest of days. One winter afternoon, as snowflakes began to fall, Mia wandered through the city streets. Her pink coat stood out against the gray surroundings, and she felt like she was wrapped in a bubble of warmth and love. It was more than just a coat—it was her comfort and her strength.