A futuristic floating city suspended in the vastness of space, surrounded by vibrant nebulas, glowing galaxies, and distant planets. The city features sleek, metallic skyscrapers, interconnected by bridges and suspended platforms. Below, massive clouds of cosmic dust and colorful gas swirl around, with purples, blues, and pinks dominating the scene. Stars twinkle in the distance, and nearby planets add to the scale of this otherworldly environment. The atmosphere is a blend of awe-inspiring sci-fi and mystical beauty, with light from the nebula illuminating the city's advanced architecture.
A futuristic floating city suspended in the vastness of space, surrounded by vibrant nebulas, glowing galaxies, and distant planets. The city features sleek, metallic skyscrapers, interconnected by bridges and suspended platforms. Below, massive clouds of cosmic dust and colorful gas swirl around, with purples, blues, and pinks dominating the scene. Stars twinkle in the distance, and nearby planets add to the scale of this otherworldly environment. The atmosphere is a blend of awe-inspiring sci-fi and mystical beauty, with light from the nebula illuminating the city's advanced architecture.