In a cozy, anthropomorphic classroom, a sleek black cat dressed in a paint-orange teacher's suit gently places her face on the ground, allowing her gentle voice to help other animals huddle around. The cats wear sharp accents and a bright smile, as she helps a friendly herd of green rabbits. The scene is alive with the sounds of laughter, birds, and chatter. The cat's eyes are fixed on a group of animals at school, unaware of the presence of the cat's teaching skills.
In a cozy, anthropomorphic classroom, a sleek black cat dressed in a paint-orange teacher's suit gently places her face on the ground, allowing her gentle voice to help other animals huddle around. The cats wear sharp accents and a bright smile, as she helps a friendly herd of green rabbits. The scene is alive with the sounds of laughter, birds, and chatter. The cat's eyes are fixed on a group of animals at school, unaware of the presence of the cat's teaching skills.