an awe-inspiring fusion of Superman and Thor, reimagined with a glowing Super Saiyan hairstyle radiating solar energy. Set in a vast, celestial battleground under a stormy, glowing nebula. Use Unreal Engine v5's ultra-detailed rendering to create intricate armor glowing with runic energy and alien metals, while lightning and solar flares illuminate the scene. Employ dramatic low-angle shots to emphasize his godlike power and heroic resolve. Integrate styles from Alex Ross and Greg Rutkowski to achieve a hyper-realistic, painterly aesthetic.
an awe-inspiring fusion of Superman and Thor, reimagined with a glowing Super Saiyan hairstyle radiating solar energy. Set in a vast, celestial battleground under a stormy, glowing nebula. Use Unreal Engine v5's ultra-detailed rendering to create intricate armor glowing with runic energy and alien metals, while lightning and solar flares illuminate the scene. Employ dramatic low-angle shots to emphasize his godlike power and heroic resolve. Integrate styles from Alex Ross and Greg Rutkowski to achieve a hyper-realistic, painterly aesthetic.