A close up of a brown, white, and yellow painting of a Metaphysics girl placed on the bottom right corner of the painting. The girl is facing to the right with her body and head to the left of the camera. Her hair looks like a face with long hair and a short-sleeved shirt. Her head is turned towards the top of the image as there is a shadow being cast over her head. There are smaller gray words along the left side of the painting; further down in the middle of the painting, several small numbers are written above these heads adding text to the image, particularly in the upper right from "A / A / N" and below. To the right of this text is another set of numbers that are different sizes. Behind the cat, slightly blurred, is a black metal wire fence with a thin black bar above it. On the far left, next to the wall is a thick metal wire fence going across the entire color of the image.
A close up of a brown, white, and yellow painting of a Metaphysics girl placed on the bottom right corner of the painting. The girl is facing to the right with her body and head to the left of the camera. Her hair looks like a face with long hair and a short-sleeved shirt. Her head is turned towards the top of the image as there is a shadow being cast over her head. There are smaller gray words along the left side of the painting; further down in the middle of the painting, several small numbers are written above these heads adding text to the image, particularly in the upper right from "A / A / N" and below. To the right of this text is another set of numbers that are different sizes. Behind the cat, slightly blurred, is a black metal wire fence with a thin black bar above it. On the far left, next to the wall is a thick metal wire fence going across the entire color of the image.