A view of a balcony and walls. The room is made like a bedroom with light blue carpeted floors. White walls, concrete floor, and white ceiling. Scattered along the walls are two tall wooden chairs and tables. They sit side by side with narrow spaces going to the right and three spaced out lights on them that are on in each space. The other two have wooden arms and legs in a very straight line, the fourth and fifth one have dark gray couches and pillows on them. Only the right side of the bed and head is visible. The back of the bed is made of red and beige grout. It is mostly flat but is extremely large. The wall on the left has a very very large circular opening on it. It is hanging over the upper right corner of the wall. Tall green bushy tree trunks are behind the bed. Another bushy tree trunk from the left at the top of the image has a plant in it. It is casting a shadow on the brown wood floor. It is completely covered in leaves. Light is shining onto the area,