A dramatic and epic movie poster titled "The Return of Christmas," featuring Santa Claus as a Jedi Master. Santa is depicted in a heroic pose, wearing a red Jedi robe trimmed with white fur, wielding a glowing candy-cane-shaped lightsaber. His face is a mix of wisdom and determination, with a flowing white beard. Behind him, a snowy, moonlit landscape with a futuristic Christmas village and a massive starship resembling a sleigh hovering above, powered by glowing energy. The background features a night sky filled with stars, with the silhouette of the Death Star partially wrapped in Christmas lights. The title "The Return of Christmas" is written in bold, glowing letters at the bottom, with a tagline: "A galaxy awaits its holiday savior."
A dramatic and epic movie poster titled "The Return of Christmas," featuring Santa Claus as a Jedi Master. Santa is depicted in a heroic pose, wearing a red Jedi robe trimmed with white fur, wielding a glowing candy-cane-shaped lightsaber. His face is a mix of wisdom and determination, with a flowing white beard. Behind him, a snowy, moonlit landscape with a futuristic Christmas village and a massive starship resembling a sleigh hovering above, powered by glowing energy. The background features a night sky filled with stars, with the silhouette of the Death Star partially wrapped in Christmas lights. The title "The Return of Christmas" is written in bold, glowing letters at the bottom, with a tagline: "A galaxy awaits its holiday savior."