"A hilarious movie poster parody titled Bataliens, where Batman is thrown into the world of Aliens. The poster features Batman in his full suit, but with exaggerated, over-the-top gear for alien combat—holding a massive futuristic gun in one hand and a bat-shaped flamethrower in the other. He’s surrounded by goofy xenomorphs that look more silly than scary, some wearing ridiculous helmets and others trying to mimic Batman’s iconic pose. Batman’s grim expression clashes with the absurd situation, adding to the humor. In the background, a space colony is filled with neon lights and giant, over-the-top alien eggs. The tagline reads: 'Gotham’s Dark Knight meets the Darkest of Aliens!' The poster is filled with bold, comic-style fonts and bright, absurd colors, emphasizing the comedic twist on this classic sci-fi thriller."
"A hilarious movie poster parody titled Bataliens, where Batman is thrown into the world of Aliens. The poster features Batman in his full suit, but with exaggerated, over-the-top gear for alien combat—holding a massive futuristic gun in one hand and a bat-shaped flamethrower in the other. He’s surrounded by goofy xenomorphs that look more silly than scary, some wearing ridiculous helmets and others trying to mimic Batman’s iconic pose. Batman’s grim expression clashes with the absurd situation, adding to the humor. In the background, a space colony is filled with neon lights and giant, over-the-top alien eggs. The tagline reads: 'Gotham’s Dark Knight meets the Darkest of Aliens!' The poster is filled with bold, comic-style fonts and bright, absurd colors, emphasizing the comedic twist on this classic sci-fi thriller."