Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, depicting a striking 18-year-old girl with a short bob haircut. She has a slim, fit figure and a tall, graceful stature. Her expression exudes a mischievous and slightly sinister charm, with piercing eyes and a sly smile. She is dressed in a fantasy-themed school uniform, blending traditional elements with magical and otherworldly details. Her skin is fair and flawless, glowing softly in a fantastical, mystical setting. The backdrop features an ethereal landscape with floating islands and shimmering lights, rendered in 8K resolution, with intricate details emphasizing her outfit, expression, and the magical ambiance around her.
Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, depicting a striking 18-year-old girl with a short bob haircut. She has a slim, fit figure and a tall, graceful stature. Her expression exudes a mischievous and slightly sinister charm, with piercing eyes and a sly smile. She is dressed in a fantasy-themed school uniform, blending traditional elements with magical and otherworldly details. Her skin is fair and flawless, glowing softly in a fantastical, mystical setting. The backdrop features an ethereal landscape with floating islands and shimmering lights, rendered in 8K resolution, with intricate details emphasizing her outfit, expression, and the magical ambiance around her.