A futuristic metropolis showcasing a desolate, atmospheric scene with the building of Las Alturas de forma realista. The towering alturas are made of a black and silver metallic structure, which dominates the foreground. They have a detailed and intricate design with wires connecting to the buildings that line the windows. In the near distance, the red-brick building's facade is visible. This section is framed perfectly by the main entrance that leads to the alturas de forma neptune. These areas also have a single green LED light on their body. Below that is a thin yellow line that points out at the end where one ends. The top edge of this circle also has a square feature with the word "DeLas Altura de forma de forma de forma. This entire scene is bathed in a fluorescent light.
A futuristic metropolis showcasing a desolate, atmospheric scene with the building of Las Alturas de forma realista. The towering alturas are made of a black and silver metallic structure, which dominates the foreground. They have a detailed and intricate design with wires connecting to the buildings that line the windows. In the near distance, the red-brick building's facade is visible. This section is framed perfectly by the main entrance that leads to the alturas de forma neptune. These areas also have a single green LED light on their body. Below that is a thin yellow line that points out at the end where one ends. The top edge of this circle also has a square feature with the word "DeLas Altura de forma de forma de forma. This entire scene is bathed in a fluorescent light.