“An intense battle scene between Spider-Man and Iron Man in a futuristic urban setting. Spider-Man is mid-air, swinging on a web, his suit reflecting the neon lights of the city, while Iron Man hovers with his jet boosters, aiming a repulsor beam. The background features towering skyscrapers, glowing billboards, and a chaotic environment with debris flying around, emphasizing the action-packed moment. Both characters are in dynamic combat poses, showcasing their iconic suits and unique abilities.”
“An intense battle scene between Spider-Man and Iron Man in a futuristic urban setting. Spider-Man is mid-air, swinging on a web, his suit reflecting the neon lights of the city, while Iron Man hovers with his jet boosters, aiming a repulsor beam. The background features towering skyscrapers, glowing billboards, and a chaotic environment with debris flying around, emphasizing the action-packed moment. Both characters are in dynamic combat poses, showcasing their iconic suits and unique abilities.”